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PZU launches aid for Poles in connection with the coronavirus threat

PZU launches aid for Poles in connection with the coronavirus threat

Dodano: 2020-03-10

PZU has joined the fight against coronavirus in Poland, by offering free access to medical advice for all citizens whether they are PZU clients or not. PZU Zdrowie will provide free help to people who are worried about their health in connection with the threat of coronavirus.

Everyone will be able to get medical advice at a dedicated phone number. The doctors will provide phone or video consultations.

„We are focusing on remote medical advice because it reduces the risk of the virus spreading. They do not require people who are worried about their health to visit clinics where they could infect others. Only after telemedicine consultation will the doctor decide whether it is necessary to contact the sanitary and epidemiological station and go to the hospital for infectious diseases,” explains the CEO of PZU Health Julita Czyżewska.

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