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PZU signs agreement with US advisory centre Atlantic Council

PZU signs agreement with US advisory centre Atlantic Council

Dodano: 2018-12-18

The CEO of Polish insurance company PZU has signed a multi-year strategic partnership agreement with US advisory centre the Atlantic Council in Washington. The agreement foresees cooperation in promoting the Three Seas initiative.

„Through this partnership, PZU will support the Council’s celebration of 100 years of US-Polish partnership and will invest in the growing strategic alliance and economic bonds between the US and Poland,” The Atlantic Council stated on its website.

Apart from the promotion and development of regional cooperation within the framework of the Three Seas initiative, the three-year agreement foresees cooperation in the field of international energy projects and the strengthening, through the Atlantic Council, of PZU, as a regional leader in its sector.

The agreement also foresees that the Atlantic Council, one of the wealthiest and most influential think tanks in Washington, and PZU will jointly organise an annual investment conference in the US with the aim of strengthening economic ties and the important role of business and investment in Central and Eastern Europe.

„The Atlantic Council, one of the most important institutions building transatlantic ties, has decided that Three Seas will be one of its key projects,” PZU President Paweł Surówka said. „This project needs political partners in the field of security as well as business and they have asked PZU as the biggest financial group in the region to be their strategic partner, which will enable them to build this cooperation with the countries that make up the Three Seas region. From our point of view it is a huge opportunity to not only strengthen our position as an international company (…) but also to show the role of Poland and the whole Central and Eastern European region as an economic success.”

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