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PZU starts a digital revolution

PZU starts a digital revolution

Dodano: 2017-06-27

PZU, the largest insurance company in Central and Eastern Europe, has given a clear signal that it doesn’t want to be just a passive observer of the revolution taking place in industry and economy 4.0. During impact’17, speakers from PZU declared that they want to co-create this revolution, changing their company according to new dynamic trends.

“In a couple of years, our world – the world of a large insurance and financial corporation – will be entirely different. If we want to stay in the game, we need to understand the lifestyle of our customers and offer them new services and products,” said Paweł Surówka, CEO of PZU, while discussing the challenges of the digital transformation on the main conference stage.

Dozens of young entrepreneurs and investors had the chance to visit the PZU zone and discover how this corporation cooperates with startups and venture capital funds. Meanwhile, on the main stage, Paweł Surówka unveiled the new strategy of his company.

“The moment when insurers switch from analyzing gross numbers to assessing risk for each individual customer is approaching. It means a fundamental change in our relations with consumers,” he emphasized.

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