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PZU – the Reliable Brand of 2017

PZU – the Reliable Brand of 2017

Dodano: 2017-06-27

Polish entrepreneurs have awarded PZU with the title of the Reliable Brand of 2017. The survey for the contest was carried out by Kantar Millward Brown at the request of the publisher of „My Company Polska” monthly.

The aim of the Reliable Brand survey is to gather opinions about the best brands, products and services available on the Polish market. The survey researched the level of trust in business brands. It was sent electronically to 20,000 companies. Finally 960 businesses took part in the project. The respondents were asked to provide spontaneous answers to the question which brand in a given category they trust the most. In each category only one brand could be selected. In the category of insurance company, the surveyed companies indicated PZU.

The survey was carried out in Poland for the second time. The methodology used was CAWI (an online questionnaire). All the brand-related questions were open-ended. This gave all brands equal opportunities for nomination, regardless of their size and range. Respondents’ opinions were based on their individual knowledge and experience.

„In the first half of 2017 we carried out the second edition of the Reliable Brand survey. The respondents were entrepreneurs who represented a diversified demographic and professional profile. There was a slight majority of women, a vast majority were in the 35-54 age group, but there were quite a lot of representatives of younger entrepreneurs. The sample was dispersed between regions and it reflected the actual geographic diversity. Just like in the previous year, also now, the task of our respondents, companies of various sizes, was to indicate – within 23 categories – brands they trust the most. It is worth noting that just like in the previous year, the group of the leaders in trust was mostly represented by brands with a global reach.” – comments Izabella Anuszewska, Research Unit Director Kantar Millward Brown.

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