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PZU with new life and health insurance

PZU with new life and health insurance

Dodano: 2021-10-08
Publikator: press release

PZU has introduced the broadest life and health insurance offers on the market, with coverage tailored to each customer’s individual needs and current situation.

The new flexible life insurance policy from Poland’s largest insurer offers a choice of many coverage variants that differ not only in the scope of benefits but also the sum insured and the premium amount. Customers aged 18-59 can choose from 18 variants of the offer, and those aged 60-69 − 3 variants.

”We care for the health and long life of millions of Poles. We do not cease in our efforts to consistently fulfill this commitment. We have made sure that our new product, PZU Wsparcie w Życiu i Zdrowiu, responds to various customer needs and provides real value. The combination of health and protection benefits is the only such offer available on the Polish market. We have created insurance that is designed to support customers in difficult life moments. That is why we offer the highest insurance sums on the market for this type of product when paying out benefits, for example, for a serious illness, specialist treatment, or the death of the insured person”, − emphasizes Agnieszka Rowińska, Director of the PZU Offer Management Office.

PZU Wsparcie w Zyciu i Zdrowiu protects in the most difficult moments. By choosing this policy, the insured will receive financial support in case of, among others, the consequences of an accident, broken bones, serious illness, hospitalization, and/or surgery. In the most serious cases, the insurer will be able to arrange for an overseas medical opinion and private home care. Moreover, in case of health problems, the spouse/life partner and children will also be taken care of. In case of death, the money will be paid to the insured’s relatives without the need for inheritance proceedings and inheritance and gift tax.

Additionally, the scope of the new policy includes a unique solution on the Polish market – private medical care. The insurer provides fast access to medical consultations and diagnostic tests without referrals in about 600 cities throughout Poland. A visit to the doctor can be made within 5 working days from notification. The insurance policy operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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