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PZU Zdrowie acquires Falck medical centers

PZU Zdrowie acquires Falck medical centers

Dodano: 2019-03-19

The PZU subsidiary specializes in health insurance – PZU Zdrowie has signed an agreement to acquire 100% shares in Falck Medical Centers and NZOZ Starówka.

Thus, the number of medical facilities in the PZU Zdrowie network will increase from 65 to 97 in the near future. It will be the largest acquisition of the Polish medical operator. The transaction is subject to customary merger control approvals.

The transaction will cover 32 ambulatory centers in the Falck outpatient segment, excluding Falck’s medical emergency services. Falck will keep providing ambulances and patient transport services in Poland through the company Falck Medycyna. The acquired medical facilities are located in 14 cities throughout Poland, including Warszawa, Kraków, Gdańsk, Katowice, Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Słupsk and Ustka. The company employs over 1,100 professionals, including doctors, nurses, midwives and administrative staff. Among the acquired clinics are multi-specialized medical centers located in large cities, on-site clinics and the NZOZ Starówka network with medical care in smaller towns around Warsaw.      

“The acquisition of Falck Medical Centers is the biggest acquisition project of PZU Zdrowie. As a result of the rapidly growing number of customers using healthcare within PZU, this form of extension of our chain was essential. We have chosen an entity with a good reputation, multiannual experience in both individual client and a corporate client service. Due to engaging an additional 32 facilities to the chain of PZU Zdrowie, we will be able to guarantee access to medical care for those living in large, medium and small sized localities”, ­said Julita Czyżewska, the CEO of PZU Zdrowie.

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