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Regulation of the Minister of Development and Finance on actuarial examination

Regulation of the Minister of Development and Finance on actuarial examination

Dodano: 2017-01-03
Publikator: Journal of Laws

On 28 December 2016 the Regulation of the Minister of Development and Finance of 9 December 2016 on actuarial examination has been published.

The regulation, issued under the provision of art. 72 par. 2 of the Act on insurance and reinsurance activity, specifies:

  1. the scope of the actuarial examination topics,
  2. the manner and procedure of conducting the examination;
  3. the manner of control of conducting the examination;
  4. the manner and procedure for the recognition of higher education and revoking such recognition;
  5. the manner and procedure of exemption from the exam.

The regulation entered into force on 1 January 2017.

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