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Revolut prepared a new solution for Polish clients to avoid high fees in Euronet cash machines

Revolut prepared a new solution for Polish clients to avoid high fees in Euronet cash machines

Dodano: 2018-10-02

Revolut has dealt with high fees imposed by Euronet on cards issued abroad. The fintech launched its new card.

In mid-June Euronet imposed on Revolut and Curve card users high fees for withdrawing money from cash machines. But Revolut has found a solution.

Karol Sadaj, who is responsible for the fintech company’s development in Poland, has announced that customers can now order a Mastercard in the app that will be recognized as a local card. Thanks to this withdrawing cash from a Euronet machine will not have a surcharge or when they pay in stores, but the customer will not be offered the possibility to pay in a different currency.

The solution concerns only new cards. Users of older ones still need to avoid Euronet or order a new card in their Revolut app.

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