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Roger Hodgkiss was appointed to the board of Generali Poland

Roger Hodgkiss was appointed to the board of Generali Poland

Dodano: 2019-12-17

Roger Hodgkiss has been appointed as a member of the Generali Poland board. He takes over responsibilities for marketing and non-life insurance product sales in Generali and Proama, client services and sales support.

Hodgkiss joined Generali Poland on 25 November 2019. Read more: Roger Hodgkiss joined the top management in Generali Poland

Generali’s Supervision Board decided to appoint Roger Hodgkiss during its meeting on 13 December 2019. He will be responsible for: non-life insurance product sales, activities supporting sales client services and marketing.

In the years 2009-2015 Roger Hodgkiss was the CEO of the Polish insurance company LINK4. His huge success was the transformation of the way of selling insurance products in the company – from a digital model to a multiagency channel. In 2016 he joined the PZU board.

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