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S&P changed the rating outlook of PZU from positive to stable

S&P changed the rating outlook of PZU from positive to stable

Dodano: 2020-04-14

On 6 April 2020 the Management Board of PZU informed that on S&P Global Ratings conveyed information regarding a change in the ratings outlook for the Company from positive to stable. At the same time, the agency affirmed PZU’s financial strength rating at an unchanged level of “A-”.

The ratings outlook has changed as a result of the deterioration in financial and business conditions in Poland due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the agency, this may affect the PZU Group’s business; in particular, it may lead to a lower contribution from banking activity.

At the same time, the analysts emphasize that the Group’s position should continue to be stable. This outlook reflects the viewpoint of the agency’s analysts that the group will maintain its leading business position in Poland, a strong capital position and a stable result on insurance activity whereby it will be capable of withstanding any further potential deterioration in the business environment. Additionally, the analysts expect that the PZU Group’s banking and asset management activity will generate satisfactory results.

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