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Summary of 2014-2015 key facts in the life insurance sector

Summary of 2014-2015 key facts in the life insurance sector

Dodano: 2016-09-13
Publikator: Polish Insurance Association

At the end of 2015, 27 insurance companies filed statistical and financial accounts with the PIA (Polish Insurance Association).

The life insurance company of PZU (PZU Życie) maintained its leading position in the life segment. In 2015 the total value of the segment’s assets was PLN 102.9 billion. PZU Życie had a 27.2% share in this asset pool, which means a 0.9 percentage points (pp) decline as compared to the previous year. Gross written premium collected by PZU Życie accounted for 29.3% of the total gross written premium in life insurance which, as compared to the previous year, was an increase of 0.8 pp.

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