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Summary of latest interesting insurance issues (the second half of June 2017)

Summary of latest interesting insurance issues (the second half of June 2017)

Dodano: 2017-07-11

On 21 June the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers adopted a bill on the distribution of insurance and addressed it for consideration by the Law Commission.

The Government Legislative Center published draft executive regulations to the bill on distribution of insurance. They cover the following issues: TPL insurance of agents and brokers, reporting obligations of brokers, register of insurance intermediaries and examinations for agents and brokers. The regulations are now under consultation.

The Supreme Court in a panel of 7 judges in the resolution of 20 June 2017 (ref. no III CZP 114/16) ruled that article 50 sec. 1 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on compulsory insurance, the Insurance Guarantee Fund and the Polish Motor Insurers’ Bureau shall apply to damage caused by a dog used by a farmer on a farm.

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