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Summary of the Polish insurance market (May 2016)

Summary of the Polish insurance market (May 2016)

Dodano: 2016-06-07

On May 7, 2016 the Regulation of the Minister of Finance dated 29 April 2016 on additional financial and statistical reports of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies (Journal of Laws of 6 May 2016, item 634) entered into force.

On May 7, 2016 the Regulation of the Minister of Finance dated 12 April 2016 on special accounting principles for insurance and reinsurance undertakings (Journal of Laws of 22 April 2016, item 562) entered into force.

The Supreme Court in its judgment of 11 May 2016 (ref. no. I CSK 334/15) ruled that the insurer offering free green card at the conclusion of an agreement compulsory civil liability may be required to pay compensation to the victim, even if the perpetrator did not have such a card at the time of the accident.

The Supreme Court in its resolutions of 13 May 2016 (ref. no. III CZP 11/16, III CZP 16/16) ruled that to the regress between insurers for a double insurance for a civil liability of a motor vehicle owner shall apply by analogy the provisions of Article 8241 sec. 2 of the Civil Code.

The Supreme Court in its resolution of 19 May 2016 held in a panel of seven judges (ref. no III CZP 63/15) that the benefit from an insurance company paid under an MTPL insurance contract also covers reasonable and expedient costs of treatment and rehabilitation of the victim not financed by public funds.

The Polish Chamber of Insurance announces starting up works on regulation of activities of the compensation offices.

According to the Polish Chamber of Insurance there should be worked out standards of personal injury assessment, which would help to reduce the number of lawsuits and accelerate payment of compensation due.

The Supreme Court in its resolution of 19 May 2016 (ref. no. III CZP 18/16) ruled that the customer of an insolvent travel agency is legitimized to claim from the insurer liable under the insurance guarantee reimbursement of payments made against a tourist event.

On May 26, 2016 the European Parliament adopted a resolution supporting the new agreement with the US on the transfer of personal data of European citizens outside the European Union.

The Polish Financial Supervisory Authority has published a new version of BION Methodology for insurance and reinsurance companies.

On May 10, 2016 the uniform text of the Act on payment terms in commercial transactions has been published.

On May 25, 2016 the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure and Construction of 20 May 2016 on template documents certifying the right to drive vehicles came into force.

Regional Administrative Court in Warsaw in its judgment of 24 May 2016 (ref. no. III SA/Wa 1596/15) ruled that maintaining the register of insureds is not exempt from VAT on the basis of the provision of art. 43 par. 13 of the Act on tax on goods and services.

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