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The draft Act of insurance distribution in English

The draft Act of insurance distribution in English

Dodano: 2017-07-11

On 6 December 2016 the first bill on insurance distribution by the Ministry of Development and Finance, aimed at implementing the IDD was published and sent out for governmental and public consultations. Since this time three versions of this bill have been prepared.

The latest was published on 25 May 2017. The law-insurance specialists from our partner company – CZUBLUN TRĘBICKI Law Office prepared the English version of the draft Act of insurance distribution.

Thanks to them, beinsured’s subscribers can receive this document on demand. If you are interested, please contact the beinsured’s editorial staff via e-mail:

We also would like to announce that in October the training session ‘beinsured School of Insurance: the bill on insurance distribution – only practical issues’ will be conducted by the CZUBLUN TRĘBICKI Law Office’s law-insurance specialists in English. We will provide more information soon.

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