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The draft regulation on extrajudicial proceedings before the Financial Ombudsman

The draft regulation on extrajudicial proceedings before the Financial Ombudsman

Dodano: 2016-12-20

The Government Legislation Centre has published a draft regulation of the Minister of Development and Finance of 9 December 2016, on extrajudicial proceedings before the Financial Ombudsman.

The draft regulation lays down:

  • the manner and forms of conducting proceedings in cases pending in extrajudicial proceedings for settling disputes between the client and the entity of the financial market, led by the Financial Ombudsman, including how to request an initiation of proceedings and exchange of information between the parties by electronic means of communication or by mail;
  • the detailed content of the request of an initiation of proceedings and the necessary documents to be attached to such a request;
  • specific qualifications of persons conducting the proceedings and the minimum period for which the authorization is granted;
  • the time period to express the consent of the parties to proposals for resolution of the dispute or a time limit to comply with it.

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