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The Financial Supervision Authority commended the Insurance Guarantee Fund as an institution friendly to mediation

The Financial Supervision Authority commended the Insurance Guarantee Fund as an institution friendly to mediation

Dodano: 2021-11-29
Publikator: Insurance Guarantee Fund

The Financial Supervision Authority has awarded the Mediation Friendly Financial Institution distinction. Among the honored were ten insurers and the Insurance Guarantee Fund. According to the Fund’s representatives, they are fully prepared to engage in mediation.

The purpose of the initiative is to promote among financial institutions the idea of mediation and amicable resolution of disputes with the recipients of their services. This year the following financial institutions were awarded by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority: PZU SA, TUiR Warta SA, STU ERGO Hestia SA, InterRisk TU SA VIG, Uniqa TU SA, Compensa TU SA, Vienna Life TU na Życie SA VIG, TUZ TUW, Link4 TU SA, Wiener TU SA VIG, and the Insurance Guarantee Fund, which has received such a distinction for the first time.

As representatives of the Insurance Guarantee Fund indicate, the proceedings more and more often concern also capitalization of annuity payments. What’s more, the Insurance Guarantee Fund accepts 99% of applications for commencing mediation proceedings submitted by clients.

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