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The Insurance Guarantee Fund summarized the year

The Insurance Guarantee Fund summarized the year

Dodano: 2016-06-07
Publikator: The Insurance Guarantee Fund

The Insurance Guarantee Fund presented data concerning the payment of compensation to victims of car accidents caused by uninsured drivers or unknown culprits in 2015. They show that on average, the plaintiffs demanded compensation in the amount of 72,000 PLN for personal damages which they suffered and more than 90 percent of these demands were related to claims for financial compensation for physical and mental sufferings.

The Insurance Guarantee Fund established that courts usually reduce the amount of awarded compensation on average by 60 percent compared to the amount demanded by the injured in the lawsuit. As a result the average amount of awarded compensation in 2015  was at the level of 30,000 PLN. This amount does not include interest or litigation costs.

“In the common consciousness operates a myth that the courts grant – according to the claims of the victims – very high compensation for personal injury. However, it does not reflect fully our statistics. They show that the courts very carefully mitigate claims for pain and suffering of people injured in car accidents and significantly reduce – in respect of claims – the level of the amounts awarded from motor civil liability insurance policy owned by the perpetrator“ commented Sława Cwalińska-Weychert, vice president of the Insurance Guarantee Fund.

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