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The Polish Banks Association published Polish Cloud 2.0 standard

The Polish Banks Association published Polish Cloud 2.0 standard

Dodano: 2022-02-22
Publikator: The Polish Banks Association

PolishCloud is an initiative of technology companies and banks. It aims to accelerate the introduction of cloud services for the financial sector.

In March 2020, the „Standard for cloud computing implementations”, the so-called PolishCloud, was published. It contains an analysis of all existing legal acts related to the issue of cloud services for the financial sector.

The PolishCloud 2.0 standard supplements the first edition. Based on over a year’s experience, it presents in a more precise and detailed way what tasks, procedures, processes and analyses the Bank and the Cloud Provider should carry out and document in terms of preparing the Bank for the implementation of cloud computing services.

The developed document is almost 200 pages long.

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