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The Polish Insurance Association: 135 million PLN for private health insurance after the first quarter of 2016

The Polish Insurance Association: 135 million PLN for private health insurance after the first quarter of 2016

Dodano: 2016-06-20
Publikator: Polish Insurance Association

The Polish Insurance Association announced the results of the health insurance market after the first quarter of 2016. According to the analysis, at that time people spent PLN 135 million on private health insurance. This is about 18 percent more than a year earlier.

The Polish Insurance Association reported that the number of insured people increased by 31 percent in the first quarter of 2016, i.e. to 1.57 million. Data collected by the Polish Insurance Association shows that in Poland, private health insurance is purchased mostly by employers for employees, or is financed by the employees under a group insurance.

We are faced with an interesting phenomenon on the property insurance market in the area of individual policies. There is an increasing number of contracts with a high average premium (over PLN 1000 per year). This means that the group of people who very consciously choose private health care with a wide range of services, is growing – says Dorota M. Fal, health insurance advisor to the Board of Directors of the Polish Insurance Association.

According to the Polish Insurance Association, the development of private health insurance depends in a great measure on the law in force in Poland and the shape of the entire health care system.

 “We can be sure that with the current system, the market of private insurance policies will grow because people appreciate convenience, which is not given by the public system. However, without the initiative of the legislator and the implementation of appropriate regulations the private market will probably remain a niche market” adds Dorota M. Fal.

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