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The Polish President finishes regulations about policies whose beneficiary has not submitted a compensation motion

The Polish President finishes regulations about policies whose beneficiary has not submitted a compensation motion

Dodano: 2018-05-15

Andrzej Dera, a minister in the Chancellery of the President said that work on regulating life insurance policies belonging to deceased people is finishing and should be completed by the end of June.

According to the project’s authors a special new institution will be created. It will have data about life insurance agreements and make the information available to the deceased’s family. In this way they will get to know if their relatives had a life insurance policy, who was indicated as beneficiary and in which insurance company. 

As the Polish President wants, unpaid compensation should be transferred to family members even if they do not know about any additional insurance policy purchased by the deceased. Currently if beneficiaries do not submit a compensation motion within 3 years of an insured person’s death, the amount is transferred to the insurer’s profit.

In May 2017 the Financial Ombudsman made an appeal to the Polish President Andrzej Duda to adopt a legislative initiative to regulate the issue of policies whose owners have died. The Financial Ombudsman proposed preparing a register of insurance agreements. Another proposition was imposing an information duty on insurance companies. They will be obliged to inform beneficiaries about the possibility of obtaining compensation after an insured’s death.

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