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The President of UODO initiated two proceedings against the Chancellery of the Sejm

The President of UODO initiated two proceedings against the Chancellery of the Sejm

Dodano: 2019-08-13

The President of the Office for Personal Data Protection on the basis of a physical person’s complaint and ex officio initiated two proceedings against the Sejm Chancellery regarding the processing of personal data of judges included in the list of judges supporting applications for candidates to the National Council of the Judiciary. The provisions on this matter were issued on July 29, 2019.

Until decisions terminating the proceedings were issued, the President of UODO issued provisions obliging the Chancellery of the Sejm to limit the processing of personal data in the above-mentioned cases.

The provisions are final. The Website has the right to lodge a complaint with the Voivodship Administrative Court in Warsaw, within 30 days from the day of their delivery, through the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.

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