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The Prudential Spirit of Community program runs in Poland

The Prudential Spirit of Community program runs in Poland

Dodano: 2017-09-05

The Prudential Spirit of Community is the largest youth recognition program based exclusively on volunteer community service. In September the Polish version of the program started.

Created in 1995 by Prudential and the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), the program honors middle level and high school students for outstanding service to others at the local, state and national level. The Spirit of Community Awards program also honors youth volunteers in countries outside the U.S. where Prudential has a significant presence: Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Ireland, India, China, Brazil and (for the first time) Poland.

“The program organized by us is a perfect way to reward young peoples’ commitment, their sensibility and open heart.  Actions taken by teenagers often are incredibly creative and without any limitation. They bring double benefits: real assistance in the places where it is necessary and also young volunteers are an example for their peers“ – said Aneta Podyma, CEO of Pramerica – the insurance company which belongs to Prudential.

Thus far, it has recognized more than 120,000 young people who have made a difference and inspired countless others to consider how they might contribute to their communities.

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