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Tomasz Borowski named president of Vienna Life

Tomasz Borowski named president of Vienna Life

Dodano: 2020-07-09

The supervisory board of Vienna Life accepted the resignation of Pawel Ziemba, chairman of the board, and Witold Czechowski, a member of the board, from performing his current functions with effect as of 30 September 2020. Tomasz Borowski will be the new president of the board.

As explained by Vienna Life, taking into account the ongoing evolution of the life insurance market with an insurance capital fund, dynamic regulatory changes and the need to diversify the distribution network and product offer of the company, including by tightening distribution cooperation with non-life companies from the VIG group, Pawel Ziemba and Witold Czechowski resigned from their functions on the board of Vienna Life.

The supervisory board accepted the above resignations and, subject to obtaining approval from the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, from October 1, 2020, it entrusted the function of the president of the board to Tomasz Borowski. The term of office of the two-person board composed of Tomasz Borowski as the president of the board and Piotr Tanski as a member of the board was set for the period until the date of approval by the general meeting of the company’s financial statements for 2021.

Tomasz Borowski is a graduate of the University of Warsaw and the Warsaw School of Economics, he has been a collaborator for 12 years VIG-u. In the years 2013-2016 he was a member of the management board of Compensa and Capitol responsible for finance, previously director of the board office and spokesperson at Compensa. Tomasz Borowski has been involved in cooperation with Vienna Life since the company joined the VIG group in 2014, from 2016 also as a board member. Currently, in addition to his duties at Vienna Life, he manages the VIG board office and oversees IT areas, projects and claims settlement at Compensie.

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