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Training Initiative for Financial Supervision for supervisors of the banking and insurance sectors

Training Initiative for Financial Supervision for supervisors of the banking and insurance sectors

Dodano: 2018-12-11

On 14–16 and 21–23 November 2018, the Polish Financial Supervision Authority organised two training sessions for supervisors of the banking and insurance sectors. The meetings are a part of the Training Initiative for the Financial Supervision (TIFS) program.

The insurance-related programme covered current challenges in risk-based supervision in terms of system of governance, assessment of members of management boards, supervisory boards and qualified shareholders, as well as consumer issues, i.e. product management and product appropriateness.

Whereas the programme for supervisors of the banking sector focused on credit risk, in particular non-performing loans seen as such by a supervisor in an EU Member State, by the European Banking Authority (EBA) and the European Central Bank (EBC).

The Polish regulator hosted 30 representatives of administration from 18 EU Member States and from priority countries for Poland’s foreign policy, who participated in discussions, exchanged supervisory experience and increased their know-how. 

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