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Travellers can buy tourist insurance from an insurance machine at Modlin Airport

Travellers can buy tourist insurance from an insurance machine at Modlin Airport

Dodano: 2017-04-04

The insurance company Link4 has launched the first insurance machine in Poland. The machine is located at Modlin Airport. Travellers can buy only tourist insurance from this machine before their flight. As the insurer said, the same devices will appear also in other airports.

Link4 needed a few months to launch the idea of a new channel of tourist insurance distribution. The device looks like a cash point. Clients can buy insurance according to the instructions appearing on the machine’s screen. 

Link4 announced that the next innovative solution is to be implemented in April. Link4 is ready to launch motor insurance based on telematics. Thanks to this service drivers will receive a discount on motor insurance if they drive in compliance with the law.

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