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Two million zlotys in LINK4’s “Kasa Wraca” program

Two million zlotys in LINK4’s “Kasa Wraca” program

Dodano: 2020-01-14

In the last days of 2019 people who were driving a car with the LINK4 “Kasa Wraca” app, achieved 2 million zlotys bonus thanks to their safe driving.

LINK4’s program gathered 46 000 customers. Since the launch of the program – in April 2017 – drivers used the app for over 108 million km. The LINK4 program allows you to assess the driving style of the driver, which includes, among others: the distance traveled, smooth driving and the terrain in which he moves. The assessment allows to classify the driver to the appropriate profile, which determines the amount of the financial bonus granted. The bonus can be exchanged for refund of a part of the insurance premium of up to 30 percent for LINK4 clients.

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