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Umbrella insurance for hospital groups

Umbrella insurance for hospital groups

Dodano: 2021-11-08
Publikator: press release

Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Wzajemnych Polski Zakład Ubezpieczeń Wzajemnych has launched several umbrella insurance policies. This is related to the company’s new offer, which consists in providing additional liability insurance for groups of hospitals, not only for individual institutions.

Hospitals, under the obligatory third-party liability insurance, are protected up to 100 thousand euros in the event of  one adverse event and up to 500 thousand euros for all events. Because of the growing number and value of claims made against hospitals, these amounts are sometimes insufficient.

„Therefore, we propose a solution for groups of hospitals in the form of umbrella protection. This is protection for facilities which, after exhaustion of the guaranteed sum resulting from the compulsory insurance, would have to bear the costs by themselves. It is also protection for potential victims who will have an easier way to obtain compensation” – said Aneta Zawistowska, member of the board of TUW PZUW.

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