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Unilink purchased Consultia

Unilink purchased Consultia

Dodano: 2019-08-27

On 2 August the insurance multiagency Unilink finalised the transaction of Consultia acquisition. The result of the transaction is that the Group will cooperate with 12k insurance agents in the whole country.

The forecast of gross written premium at the end of 2019 is estimated on the level from PLN 1.3 bln to PLN 1.5 bln. It means that the company is approaching to its long term aim which envisages receiving PLN 2 bln GWP in 2021.

Thanks to the transaction Unilink will be the largest and leading partner for all insurance companies in Poland. At the same time the agency will manage the biggest organizational resources to support agents’ work in the headquarters and its branches.

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