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UODO investigates data leakage from telemedicine platform

UODO investigates data leakage from telemedicine platform

Dodano: 2021-02-15
Publikator: Personal Data Protection Office

The Personal Data Protection Office received a data breach notification from Telmedicin. The firm is responsible for a telemedicine platform and remote consultations with physicians of various specialties. The case is currently being analysed.

The controller received a notification from a third party about a security error in one of the subsystems responsible for handling voice calls. Due to a vulnerability in the system, an unauthorized person could have had unauthorized access to a user’s phone number for a short period of time, and if the consultation included an audio recording – the possibility to download it.

The company immediately after obtaining this information fixed the error, blocking the operation of the subsystem, with no other consequences for the continuity of customer service. Moreover, the controller secured the data against unauthorized access.

The incident may result in loss of confidentiality of patients’ personal data, which is protected by professional secrecy. Telmedicin coopertares with many insurance companies such a PZU, Compensa, Allianz, Europ Assistance, Inter Polska and InterRisk.

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