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UOKiK appealed about the method of price presenting 

UOKiK appealed about the method of price presenting 

Dodano: 2019-10-15
Publikator: Office of Competition and Consumer Protection

The President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) has appealed to 10 telecommunication companies to provide reliable information on the actual price of services published in their website, ads and talks with clients.

TV, Internet and radio advertisements, as well as company websites usually display very attractive service prices. However, after reading the details and small print, it turns out that these are underestimated prices. Consumers can only get them after a discount has been applied when they agree to marketing or choose an electronic invoice. In some cases, e-invoice discounts also depend on timely payments. In television ads, additional conditions are displayed at the bottom of the screen, they are often illegible or only displayed for such a short time that the average consumer is unable to read them. Not all consultants provide reliable information about prices either.

The President underlined that the companies should change the way prices are presented in advertising materials, on websites and in sales talks. They should first of all present the basic price of the service. When concluding a contract, companies should also inform consumers that non-provision or withdrawal of certain consents will result in higher charges.

“A consumer should receive clear and readable price information through marketing messages. They must be aware of the conditions of service without having to search for information, thus telecommunications companies should display basic prices. If they also present the price after a discount, they should clearly state that”, says Marek Niechciał, the President of UOKiK.

The companies have time to change their practices until 31st December.

“We hope that entrepreneurs will show a positive response to our appeal and change the way their prices are presented. This will benefit consumers, who will be clearly informed from the start when and for what they will be paying. It is important that everyone has reliable information about the terms and conditions of the offer. If the telecommunication companies do not adjust to our expectations within the set time limit, we will make a decision to initiate proceedings. They may result in a fine of up to 10 percent of the annual turnover”, says Tomasz Chróstny, Vice-President of UOKiK.

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