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UOKIK issued decision about direct marketing without consent from clients

UOKIK issued decision about direct marketing without consent from clients

Dodano: 2019-07-03
Publikator: Office of Competition and Consumer Protection

The Office of Competition and Consumer Protection in its decision said that the telecommunications operator, Netia, had used practices against telecommunications law. The company called clients to offer a contract, even though it did not have their consent to be contacted for direct marketing purposes.

“Netia has bought ready-made databases with phone numbers, but that does not release it from its liability. Our investigation showed that consumers’ consent to be contacted for direct marketing purposes were not properly obtained. The operator also tried to obtain them during a telephone conversation, which is inconsistent with the provisions of the law”, said Marek Niechciał, the President of UOKiK.

Netia avoided a fine because it undertook to change the rules of cooperation with its partners. If the operator uses ready-made databases in the future, it will make its business partners obtain the necessary consent in accordance with the law and will verify them. In addition, Netia will define the terms of properly granted consent so that consumers know who may call them and for what purpose.

Netia will also give compensation to consumers. This applies to all persons whom the company called, even if they did not decide to make use of its services.

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