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UOKiK: Nasza – consumer warning. Insurance without the subscriber’s consent

UOKiK: Nasza – consumer warning. Insurance without the subscriber’s consent

Dodano: 2017-08-22
Publikator: Office of Competition and Consumer Protection

The President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection has initiated proceedings against Nasza S.A., a telecommunications service provider. Consumers beware – Nasza S.A. is a company which applies unfair practices in the form of misrepresentation; these practices may lead to significant financial losses and adverse consequences for a substantial group of consumers. This is yet another consumer warning from the UOKiK.

“We have been receiving numerous complaints against traders who apply unfair practices by abusing the trust of senior citizens and by answering their questions in a hasty, unintelligible manner” – says Marek Niechciał, President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.

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