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UOKiK will cooperate with the General Counsel to Poland

UOKiK will cooperate with the General Counsel to Poland

Dodano: 2020-03-17
Publikator: Office of Competition and Consumer Protection

The President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) issues approximately 100 decisions regarding practices restricting competition and infringing on collective interests of consumers per annum. Enterprises have the right to appeal against those decisions to the court. In the first instance, the case is examined by the Court of Competition and Consumer Protection, in the second instance – by the Appellate Court. The decision of the appellate court may be challenged by way of a cassation appeal filed to the Supreme Court.

“The Office for Competition and Consumer Protection takes numerous measures to improve the protection of consumers and competition. We strive to be even more effective in our operations, which is why I decided to establish a closer cooperation with the General Counsel to the Republic of Poland. The protection of competition and consumers undoubtedly represents a vital interest of the State,” said Tomasz Chróstny, President of the Office for Competition and Consumer Protection.

In major cases, the General Counsel to the Republic of Poland will act as a legal representative in proceedings concerning an appeal against the decision of the President of the Office for Competition and Consumer Protection.

“If I deem it necessary to protect vital rights, I will request that the General Counsel to the Republic of Poland take over the case. In such cases, both institutions will cooperate in court proceedings, utilising our diverse knowledge and experience. Cooperation with the General Counsel to the Republic of Poland will make the Office for Competition and Consumer Protection even more able to protect competition and consumers, whereas lesser burden related to court proceedings will enable employees of the Office to focus their attention to a greater extent on new proceedings,” said Tomasz Chrzóstny, President of the Office for Competition and Consumer Protection.

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