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UOKiK’s activites in 2018

UOKiK’s activites in 2018

Dodano: 2020-01-07

UOKiK published a summary of its activities in 2018. In 2018 UOKiK made 890 decisions in the field of competition and consumer protection, over PLN 19 million of imposed penalties, over 700 significant opinions issued in court cases.

In 2018, UOKiK initiated 75 explanatory proceedings and 18 proceedings on competition-restricting practices. In 2018, the office initiated 252 proceedings in which it checked whether mergers and acquisitions would not adversely affect the competition of entrepreneurs. There were 228 transaction approvals and reservations in one case. Over 95% of proceedings ended in the first phase. The concentrations most often concerned banking and insurance, real estate, automotive and food sectors.

In 2018, the President of UOKiK received 455 applications for interpretation and 607 draft government documents for analysis. UOKiK also analyzed over 2500 projects and positions for parliamentary projects all together in order to give an opinion on their potential impact on competition and the situation of consumers.

UOKiK initiated 65 proceedings regarding practices infringing collective consumer interests, 26 concerning the recognition of contract template provisions as prohibited and 125 explanatory proceedings. The president of the office issued 48 decisions regarding practices infringing collective consumer interests and 8 decisions in cases regarding the recognition of standard contract provisions as prohibited. Consumer protection pursued by UOKiK also covers product safety. Last year the office opened 69 proceedings in this regard and issued 97 decisions.

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