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Warsaw Trade Tower leases additional 3757 sqm of office space to AXA

Warsaw Trade Tower leases additional 3757 sqm of office space to AXA

Dodano: 2017-02-28

Warsaw Trade Tower has leased 3757 sqm of new office space to its tenant: the insurance company AXA. After the expansion, the company is going to lease a total of 15,560 sqm of modern office space in WTT.

The insurance company AXA, one of the biggest tenants in Warsaw Trade Tower, has signed an agreement to lease an additional 3760 sqm in the building. So far, AXA has been leasing 11,800 sqm, however, starting from July, it is going to occupy a total of 15,560 sqm of modern office space in WTT. The bigger office will house all AXA’s employees from Warsaw. Some of them have been working in a building occupied by Liberty Ubezpieczenia, which was taken over by AXA in September last year (more: AXA Poland has completed the acquisition of Liberty Ubezpieczenia).

The insurance company AXA has been leasing office space in Warsaw Trade Tower for 10 years now. “Our tenants’ growth is the reason why we feel proud. Especially when we can help them grow also through our own growth and the introduction of new amenities that improve the comfort of work in our office building” says Izabela Kapil, Vice President Portfolio Management – Europe.

Warsaw Trade Tower (WTT) was constructed in the late 90s as a pioneering architectural project. Its total height equals 208 m and its roof at the height of 184 m makes it the tallest office building in Warsaw. The skyscraper dominated the panorama of Warsaw for many years and has been setting trends since it was constructed. It has become a symbol of quality and prestige. In the years 2015-16, the building was modernised in accordance with a wide spectrum of the needs of its tenants. The task was conducted by a working group consisting of architects, real estate commercialisation advisors and branding experts. As a result of the changes the building has gained a range of facilities, e.g. in the area of common space and its surroundings. Additionally, the building has successfully passed the process of environmental certification by means of the BREEAM In-Use method and has earned the mark Very Good in the Asset Performance category.

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