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Warta offers treatment abroad

Warta offers treatment abroad

Dodano: 2021-11-08
Publikator: press release

Warta has extended its offer by adding the possibility of treatment abroad with a limit of 2 million euros.

„Our offer includes verification of the diagnosis, preparation of a treatment plan as well as organization and financing of travel and treatment abroad. Thanks to our cooperation with clinics in the United States, Europe, or Asia, the insured person will have access to professional medical care, and after returning to Poland we will cover the costs of recommended medical consultations and medicines. We support our clients in situations such as cancer, the need for cardiac surgery, neurosurgery, or transplantation. We know that in such situations it is essential to ensure access to the highest quality treatment, and nowadays, obtaining it is often a great challenge” – said Marek Twardowski, managing director, responsible for Product Development Department in TUnŻ Warta.

The policy provides the possibility of verifying a diagnosis with another, foreign specialist, covering the costs of transport to the therapy and treatment abroad. The insurance also covers medical tests, related consultations, and medicines required after returning to Poland.

The offer is addressed to persons who permanently reside in Poland.

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