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Warta tests two AI projects

Warta tests two AI projects

Dodano: 2019-05-07

Polish insurance company Warta is working on two artificial intelligence solutions aiming to improve interactions between the company and customers for claims reporting. The software uses voice and image recognition and will be fully operational in the second half of this year.

Voice recognition is a solution to shorten the time consultants spend on the phone advising clients. Up to 80% of damage is reported to Warta using a hotline.

Warta Virtual Assistant is based on AI technology. The system collects basic information from clients about accidents (including the time and place of an incident and a description of the situation and the damaged parts). After a short questionnaire, the assistant redirects the client to a real consultant who has more expertise on the specific problem.

Currently, about 10% of hotline calls concerning an occurred incident are handled by the Warta Virtual Assistant. From the beginning of the implementation, the AI has already helped in over 2,000 cases. The full implementation of Warta Virtual Assistant is planned for August 2019.

Image recognition technology is used to improve the recognition of damage, relieving the work of Warta appraisers. Based on photos sent by customers, the AI analyses the possible damaged components of the vehicle body and estimates the value of insurance compensation. Warta assumes that the mechanism will handle up to 60% of all vehicle damage cases in the close future. 

As part of the ongoing introduction of the project, AI has already analyzed nearly 500 real damage pictures. Every output the software gives is then verified by professional appraisers, who are helping to develop and calibrate the new technology. Currently, the bot is able to recognize more than 2/3 of the damaged elements visible in the pictures.

Image Recognition technology is being improved as part of an international project lead by Warta. Talanx Group members, like HDI Germany, HDI Italy, HDI Turkey are also participants in this project. The current implementation of the software is carried out by two companies: Control Expert and Tractable.

„Image recognition is a technology that still needs to be developed. We are treating artificial intelligence almost like a child, who learns and gains knowledge every day, under the supervision of teachers. The effects that our solution achieves at this stage of implementation positively surprise us though. I hope that we can use this technology on a larger scale this autumn, thus allowing us to fully automate the process of simple events valuation,” said Rafał Stankiewicz, deputy CEO of Warta.

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