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Warta tests using AI in the claim settlement process

Warta tests using AI in the claim settlement process

Dodano: 2019-02-12

The Polish insurer “Warta” has started using artificial intelligence to evaluate car damage. The full implementation of the solution is planned in the second half of 2019. The insurer wants to use AI in 60% of motor damages filled to the insurer.

In July 2018 Warta started its work on AI implementation in the process of motor damages evaluation. The new solution analyses photos of vehicle damage and searches for defective elements in the body of a car. The system will also estimate the value of damages and the compensation to be paid.

“We approach new technology in Warta very practically. The implemented solutions are to bring benefits for the company as well as clients. The same will be in the case of Image Recognition – the technology which is to accelerate claim settlement processes and increase the effectiveness of valuers’ work. Thanks to AI they can focus on more complicated tasks. We expect that the project will start this year. In the first step the artificial intelligence work will be controlled by humans”, explained Adam Fulneczek, manager of the claim settlement strategy department in Warta.

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