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What does the amendment to the Act on Investment Funds concern?

What does the amendment to the Act on Investment Funds concern?

Dodano: 2022-12-07

The amendment to the act on investment funds introduces the digitization of information obligations towards the Polish Financial Supervision Authority.

As of January 1, 2024, there will be a move away from paper-based reporting. Investment fund companies, investment funds, liquidators of investment funds, depositories and managers of Alternative Investment Companies will carry out reporting obligations in electronic form. In addition, the amended law introduces the possibility of filing statements of intent in electronic form. The default form for sending confirmations of the sale or repurchase of open-ended fund units will be electronic. These changes will take effect as of January 27, 2023.

Detailed solutions for the reporting of mutual fund companies, investment funds and investment funds in liquidation will be defined in a new regulation. Work on the draft regulation, conducted with the participation of the Chamber of Fund and Asset Managers and the Council of Depository Banks, is at the consultation stage with the Finance Ministry. The main changes include moving away from paper reporting and simplifying and automating electronic reporting for periodic and current reports.

The consultation on the draft should begin in the first quarter of 2023.

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