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Who caused the most car accidents?

Who caused the most car accidents?

Dodano: 2019-10-15

According to a report about the motor insurance sector in Poland the owners of BMW and Audi caused the least car damage in Q3 2019.

In Q3 2019 the most damage was caused by Nissan owners (21.7%). The next positions in the ranking were occupied by owners of Toyota (21.5%), Mazda (21.4%), Volvo and Citroen (21.3% each). While on the other side there were such brand as BMW (16.8%), Audi (17.3%) and Fiat (17.4%).

“During the last 25 years we have noticed a lot of changes. A BMW owner is middle aged. He buys a new or relatively new car. He expects safety and comfort, not only sport emotions. The result of this change causes a decrease in the amount of damage in the group of cars in this brand”, comments Sebastian Sulowski, the editor of the magazine Motor.

Despite BMW and Audi owners being at the bottom of the ranking, these drivers pay the one of the highest premiums for insurance products. In Q3 2019 MTPL insurance for a BMW owner cost PLN 887, and PLN 760 for Audi. In 2017 premiums amounted to PLN 939 and PLN 814 (respectively).

The decreasing trend in the value of motor insurance premium is observed in the other groups of the most popular car brands. The largest price reduction related to Renault vehicles – from PLN 667 to PLN 614 (7.9%).

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